Dungeon Run…

So, I created a game and oh my goodness this was hard…

Let’s get right into it. For our CSAI class, we had to create a game. Most people focused on a tutorial game called “Pizza Chase” and made their own version of it. They have edited it so that it is more challenging and fun. Though as you’ve seen the “Most” being underlined you can see what I’m going towards. I took a game called “Simple Extensions” and turned it into a masterpiece (Just my opinion, it is not a masterpiece).

By now, you’ve read a fair amount of posts, you can now draw an idea of what I mean when I say “Pizza Chase”. So when I saw Simple Extensions, I completed the tutorial and thought that I could make this so much better. The tutorial is what sparked my candle to create more and more which eventually lead to my game called “Dungeon Run”.

When I started, I had very high hopes of what I was capable of. About a fifth through finishing it, I realized that I can’t complete this during class. There is absolutely no way I could, so I worked on it at home. Something that really set me back was my own determination to make an amazing game.

The first thing that I wanted to do was experiment with what I was able to do. At first, I knew nothing at all, but as I kept looking at the blocks of data, it became more clearer. I wanted my game to be like Zelda (The first game) and take place in a dungeon. Then I thought, “Okay, so I’m able to do this, but it would take about a year or ten so no thank you”. At the end of my creation, I was proud of the work that I had put into it.

When I asked my friends to test the game, they asked me why it was just a yellow dot and not like a person. Well for one thing I’m not very artistic, and many people consider themselves to also not be good at art. I get that, and I am feeling your pain. But also there’s a real answer to why I made a yellow dot and not just a character. The yellow dot was small enough to fit between where you needed to go, and also the size of it was perfect. If I had made it bigger, then it wouldn’t be able to fit on the map. I had used the blocks of the map at my disposal and not my own because once again, I’m not very good at art. If the character was too big, it would run into the obstacles and instantly die. (Speaking of instantly dying, just for a laugh, I made it so that if you press “z” you instantly die).

Using the blocks from the dungeon section, I created a map. However, on the map, I also experimented with other blocks such as forest and aquatic. Using blocks, if you overlap certain blocks you will lose. I had a lot of complaints about how it is impossible at a certain point. There are blocks that are completely black but are also not the same block. One of those is fake. Use this tip if you’re stuck.

Now that I’ve talked a long time about the game, time for you to play it.


2 thoughts on “Dungeon Run…

  • September 17, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    Hey Lucas, is this a tilemap?

  • September 17, 2020 at 4:49 pm

    Because it’s very good.


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